
這就是我要做的 This is exactly what a quiter wanna do!

小時候想當律師, 結果馬來西亞法院得用馬來語才可以和對方律師嗆聲, 所以還沒開始就廢了。
然後想拿筆, 當個記者還是作家;結果發現戀愛比在案前風花雪月有趣, 所以就決定辜負大家的期許, 連考上了的中文係也回函婉謝。

這種窩囊廢, 這次決定挑戰烹飪。:D
因爲害怕半途而廢, 所以事先設定只挑戰個80天。
從2013年1月15日到3月22日,接近10年沒有下廚的我, 將挑戰80道日本傳統料理。


Yes, I am a quiter. A quiter who always quit at the halfway.
When I am still a primary student, my ambition was to become a Lawyer. I was good in debat and speech, of course in Mandarin; once I found out in Malaysia, you only can use Malay to curse & swear in court, I quit to pursue my dream further.
Later, I decided to challenge myself to write. Either to be a reporter or writer sounds great and trendy (at that time la~ ). Unfortunately, this quiter soon later found out having a puppy love is much more interesting than just stay home and write my own fairy tale. So quiter quit again.

Now, this quiter will start another journey, to challenge COOKING!! :D
I truly understand my passion will not last long, so I have set the time limit as 80 days. From 15 Jan to 22 March, I will challenge to cook 80 dishes of Japanese traditional cuisine. (please help me to double check the date, whether it really make up to 80 days. Last time I count the date wrongly, end up I pregnant my second kid)

As I have not been into the kitchen since 10 years ago, please pray for me. :p

