
第八道:甘辛馬鈴薯 8th Dish: Sweet & Salted Potato

馬鈴薯不是日本本土的傳統食材。 在1598年, 日本長慶3年的時候, 荷蘭人從印尼的雅加達(Jakarta)開始輸出馬鈴薯到日本南部的長碕,也開始了日本人使用馬鈴薯的歷史。馬鈴薯的日文名字正道出了這段歷史 - じゃがいも, Jagaimo, 意寓雅加達來的芋頭 (Jaga - Jakarta; Imo - 芋頭)

今天這道料理是日本冬天裏, 大人小孩都很愛的甘辛馬鈴薯。 甜甜咸咸的味道會讓你吃了一個, 再接一個的吃哦!

馬鈴薯 - (小個)12 個
牛油 - 20g
生抽 - 3 湯匙
味晽 - 1 湯匙
砂糖 - 3 湯匙

這是我這次, 和接下來幾次使用的馬鈴薯:

(1)將馬鈴薯洗淨, 不去皮, 切成一口大小, 放入鍋裏煮沸
(2)馬鈴薯煮沸后, 用小火再煮12-15 分鐘, 至可以用叉子叉入的硬度即可。取出待用。
(3)將馬鈴薯用不粘鍋, 加入20g的牛油煎至金黃色

(4)加入生抽, 味晽和砂糖, 不停的攪拌一直到干汁爲止。

真的很適合一家大小拿來當零嘴哦!甜甜的, 而且帶有濃濃的奶油香味, 是很不錯的一道小菜。我家婆喜歡辣, 所以自己還加入了自製的辣椒, 更帶出另一番風味哦!


Potato is not a traditional japanese ingredient. In 1593, Mynheer - Dutch people exported the potato from Jakarta, Indonesia to Nagasaki, Southern part of Japan. Since then, Potato becomes one of the most popular ingredients in Japanese local family. Potato's Japanese name - JAGAIMO, is extactly the best explanation of this history. JAGA - Jakarta, IMO - Taro, hence JAGAIMO means the taro came from Jakarta =)

Today's dish is the winter dish that welcome by all adult & child. It taste sweet & salty, once you start to eat it, you will find hard to stop!

Potato - (small size) 12pc
Light Soya Sauce - 3 big spoon
MIrin - 1 big spoon
Sugar - 3 big spoon
Butter - 20g

How to Cook:
(1) Wash the potato, leave the skin, cut it into bite size, put it into a pot to boil.
(2) Once boiled, leave it heated with slow fire for 12-15min, until the fork can pierce through.
(3) Take the potato out from the pot, and pan-fry it with a non sticky pan, add in the 20g of butter.
(4) Once potato turn brownish, add in Light Soya sauce, sugar & mirin, stir it quick until the sauce is almost gone.
(5) Now is ready to serve.

Bon Appetite!

