
第五道:雞肉御椀料理 5th Dish: Chicken Bowl

第五道:雞肉御椀料理 5th Dish: Chicken Bowl

21 Jan 2013
(English translation is right after Mandarin version)

御椀料理, 是日本懷石料裏的其中一道菜。御椀料理是屬於湯類,盛在一個凃了朱漆的小碗裏,所以叫御椀料理。 吃日本懷石料, 禮儀是很重要的一部分。今天介紹喝御椀料理的方法。
首先,用右手拿起筷子,拿筷子的中央部分, 再滑到自己平常習慣的位置。然後用雙手捧起御椀料理,再將碗移到左手才開始食用。放下碗時,也必須使用雙手。

雞翅膀 - 4支
青蔥 - 1根
真姬菇/玉蔁 - 半包
平菇 - 半包

昆布上湯 -3杯(650ML)

料理酒 - 2湯匙


這道菜比較大人,比較sophiscated,我傢的小孩比較不能夠接受。反而是爸爸覺得這個湯很好喝,有深度。。。自己本身覺得帶骨的雞翅膀比較難處理,一邊喝湯一邊還得管去骨。湯的味道濃郁, 算是道可以宴客的大菜。


Bowl dish (O-Wan) is part of Japanese Kaiseki cuisine. Normally it is soup which present in a red colour small bowl. Having a Kaiseki cuisine, you need to follow the way of enjoying it. Example, you will pick up your chopstick by your right hand, holding it at its central then slowly sliding to your usual holding position. When you want to hold the Bowl, you will need to use your both hand to hold it, then move the bowl to your left hand.

(1) Chicken Wing - 4 pc
(2) Shimeiji Mushroom - 1/2 packet
(3) Maitake Mushroom - 1/2 packet
(4) Green Onion - 1 pc
(5) Kunbu Stock - 3 cups (650ML)
(6) Yuzu Skin

Cooking Sake - 2 big spoon

How to Cook it:
(1) Chop the chicken wings into 2 parts
(2) Slice the green onion into 2cm length
(3) Remove the botton part of Shimeiji & Maitake mushroom, separate it into a mouth size portion by hand
(4) Pan fry the chicken wings in a non-sticky fry pan
(5) Once both size of chicken wings turn into gold colour, add in 2 big spoon of Cokking Sake
(6) Add in all the vegetable and pan fry it
(7) Put all the Kunbu Stock into a clean pot, add in the cooked vegetables and boil it
(8) Once boiled, use the kitchen tissue to remove the chicken wings' grease before adding into the soup
(9) Use slow fire to boil the soup for another 20-25 min, then use the Salt to season it.
(10) Serve the soup in small bowl, adding in some sliced Yuzu Skin

Bon Appetite!

