第三道:親子蓋飯 3rd Dish: Oyako Don (Chicken & Egg's Rice)
17 Jan 2013
(English translation is right after Mandarin version)
親子蓋飯大概是日本餐廳餐牌裏面, 最常見的一道菜。
顧名思義,親, 就是父母, 子, 就是孩子。這道菜裏面的親是雞肉, 子就是雞蛋了。
在日本北海道,親子蓋飯還有另一個Version, 就是鮭魚和鮭魚卵的親子搭配。
雞腿肉 - 200g
大洋蔥 - 1個
上湯 - 300cc
雞蛋 - 1分飯, 一個蛋的分量
生抽 - 2湯匙
味晽 - 1.5湯匙
料理酒 - 1.5湯匙
砂糖 - 2湯匙
(3)清炒雞肉和洋蔥,當湯汁快收的時候, 加入攪拌好的雞蛋。
(5)外圍成型, 裏面還半熟的狀態下起鍋, 將蛋鋪在飯上即完成。
孩子和女傭吃這道簡單的料理, 吃的喜滋滋的。其實當家裏有多餘的雞肉, 而媽媽又不想做菜時, 這個料理其實是不錯的選擇啦。如果雞肉沒了, 沒關係, 可以換成牛肉, 就變成了另一道日本家庭料理“他人蓋飯”了(牛肉和蛋當然是他人拉!); 記得用牛肉的話, 就不要煮太久, 肉會老掉哦!
Today this dish I tried was rather simple but the significant ala carte menu of most of the Japanese Restaurant: Oyako Don - the Chicken and Egg Rice.
Why we called it Oyako Don? "Oya" means Parent, of course here is the Chicken, and "Ko" means child, the EGG. In Japan, there is another Oyako Don's version in Hokkaido, which is Salmon and Salmon Egg.
Chicken Thigh - 200g
Onion - 1 pc
Stock - 300cc
Egg - 1 per serving
Light Soya Sauce - 2 big spoon
Mirin - 1.5 big spoon
Cooking Sake - 1.5 big spoon
Sugar - 2 big spoon
How to Cook:
(1) Slice the Chicken thigh into small cube
(2) Slice the Onion into slices
(3) Put the Stock & all seasoning into pot and boil it.
(4) Once Stock is boiled, add in Chicken cube & onion to cook it.
When you ready to prepare for the 1st serving, add the white rice into bowl,
(1) Stir one egg in a bowl, add in 2 big spoon of boiled stock and stir again.
(2) Heat another fry pan, add in 1 (one) serving of cooked Chicken, onion and some stock
(3)Stir fry the chicken & onion, once notice the stock is almost gone, add in the EGG.
(4)Once add in the EGG, quickly stir the EGG.
(5) Once the outer ring of EGG is done, and inner still remain half done, move the EGG & Chicken above the rice.
Bon Appetite!
洋蔥跟雞肉分開炒, 先炒洋蔥到略焦糖化引出甜度再下雞肉. 可以省去煮的步驟.
回复删除這樣會比較香, 雞肉也比較嫩.
嗯, 以前在大学食堂里面的歐巴桑也是先下洋葱, 经你这么一說就记起來了 ~~