
第四道:鮭魚飯 4th Dish: Salmon Rice

第四道:鮭魚飯 4th Dish: Salmon Rice

18 Jan 2013
(English translation is right after Mandarin version)

鮭魚飯是日本家庭裏非常普遍的一道菜。鮭魚, 在日文裏叫“SAKE”, 起源自日本北部少數民族-“愛奴”族的語言- “Sakuibe”。 Sakuibe的意思是“夏天的食物”。

鹽制鮭魚 - 2 片

昆布上湯 - 430ML (可用昆布粉末湯料和水調製)
白米 - 360ML
芝麻 - 適量

(1)首先, 將白米洗淨后, 泡水30分鐘。

(3)將煎熟的鮭魚去骨, 撥開弄散

(5)加入適量的水調整 (因爲種類不同的白米會需要不同分量的水)
(7)煮熟后, 放置于飯鍋内3-6分鐘

(8)加入適量的芝麻, 攪拌均勻

老實講, 這道菜真的真的超簡單。 我傢老小還要求今天再煮一次。但是重點是, 一定要買鹽制鮭魚和用昆布上湯。
原因是這道菜基本上都沒有用任何調味料。記得哦, 鹽制鮭魚不同于腌製或是Smoke Salmon. 然後上湯用昆布比較搭; 用雞湯就怪怪的。


The Salmon Rice is a very simple dish and can be found in almost all Japanese Family's dinner list. In Japanese, Salmon called "SAKE", origin from Japan's Northen Ethnic Group - AINU - calls "Sakuibe", which means "The Summer's Food"

Salted Salmon - 2 pc
Kunbu Soup - 430ML
Rice - 360ML

How to Cook:
(1) Rinse the rice and leave it soak with water for 30min
(2) Grill the Salmon until the surface turns into golden colour
(3) Remove the Salmon's bone and flakes the fresh
(4) Throw away the water of rice, add in the Kubun Soup and Salmon into rice
(5) You may consider to adjust the water level according to the type of rice that you are using
(6) Cook with the Rice Cooker
(7) Once cooked, leave it steam for 3-6 mins
(8) Add in some sesame and ready for serve

Bon Appetite!

3 条评论:

  1. 高湯可以用日式煎茶代替.
    鮭魚烤的時候可以把皮取下來, 比肉多烤一陣子烤到酥香再捏碎.

  2. 感谢, 会试试看。酥脆的鲑鱼皮, 超诱人!
