22 Jan 2013
(English translation is right after Mandarin version)
牛蒡蘿蔔金平是日本常見的家常菜,經常用來做儲備菜或是前菜。牛蒡金平的語源自日本江戶時代, 《金平淨琉璃》-音樂劇裏面的主人翁 - 阪田金平。 在劇中, 阪田金平是一個具有怪力, 很強壯的一個人,和牛蒡在日本人的心中的形象很接近:深深植入土裏, 強壯健康。所以經常在喜慶佳節的菜肴裏面, 看得見牛蒡的影子。
牛蒡 - 1條
紅蘿蔔 - 半條
芝麻 - 適量
生抽 - 2湯匙
味晽 - 2湯匙
砂糖 - 2小匙
(1)首先將牛蒡用水洗淨, 然後再用刷乾淨外皮。 不能刷淨的部分可以用刀背刮乾淨。(2)然後準備一碗清水。
(5)紅蘿蔔洗淨刮皮后, 切成絲細。
(7)將牛蒡的水瀝乾, 和蘿蔔一起加入超過裏面熱炒。
(8)炒至8分熟時, 倒入調味料, 迅速攪拌
(9)等調味料快收干時, 撒入適量的芝麻攪拌均勻, 即可上桌
對不起, 這道菜又再獲得好評, 真的很“Paisei”。發現到不會烹飪的人, 只要緊緊地跟隨食譜, 不要多也不要少,不要快也不要慢, 就能燒好一碟菜。 從以前留學時就很喜歡這道牛蒡金平,現在自己學會做了, 真的想好好地讚美自己!
Kinpira Gobou is very common dish in Japan. It often served as an appetizer or store for day to day side dish. The name of Kinpira Gobou origined from Japan Edo Period, took from the popular character of a musical theater show -
Gobou (Burdock Root) - 1pc
Carrot - 1/2pc
Light Soya Sauce - 2 big spoon
Mirin - 2 big spoon
Sugar - 2 small spoon
How to cook it:
(1) Wash away the dirt on Bordock Root. Then use the brush to clean it further. You even can use the back of knife to clean away the stubborn dirt. (picture above)
(2) Prepare a bowl of clear water
(3) Have a deep cut in the centre of Burdock Root (picture above), then use the peeler to peel the Burdock root into thin slice (picture above)
(4) Once peeled, placed the Burdock Root into the clear water immediately (if not the Burdock Root will turn dark)
(5) Slice the Carrot into thin slices as well (picture above)
(6) Add 1.5 big spoon of oil into fry pan
(7) Dried the Burdock Root, and add it into the fry pan together with the Carrot
(8) Stir fry it till 80% done
(9) Adding in the seasonning and quickly stir it to avoid burn
(10) When the sauce is almost gone, adding in sesame and mix it well
(11) Ready to serve
Bon Appetite!