24 Jan 2013
(English translation is right after Mandarin version)
這道菜屬於一品料理, 也是日本年夜菜(OsechiRyori)的菜色之一, 取其意在新的一年裏, 會有個健康的身體, 強壯的體魄。
牛蒡 - 1根
芝麻 - 1 湯匙
生抽 - 2 湯匙
味晽 - 1 湯匙
醋 - 1 大匙
(1)首先洗淨牛蒡 (請參考《牛蒡金平》), 再把牛蒡切成3公分長的小段
(2)將一湯匙的芝麻在不焦鍋稍微干煎一下,磨碎至還帶一些顆粒的感覺, 待用
(3)燒熱一鍋水, 放入少許鹽和醋, 加入牛蒡, 再度煮沸。煮沸后, 讓牛蒡繼續滾1-2分鐘。
(4)在芝麻裏面, 加入調味料, 攪拌均勻
(5)把牛蒡從鍋裏撈起來, 加入芝麻醬裏面攪拌均勻, 放置30分鐘后上菜
這道菜, 絕對是小朋友和老人家不宜的, 哈哈哈哈。這個牛蒡吃起來很有嚼勁, 而且還帶脆脆的感覺;味道還不錯, 適合儅一個下酒菜。 我和老公就合著梅酒, 兩個人樂呵呵地幹掉了這碗小菜。
This simple dish actually is part of Japanese New Year Traditional Dinner (Osechi Ryori). By eating this dish during New Year, you will be in the pink of health.
Gobou (Burdock Root)- 1pc
Sesame - 1 big spoon
Light Soya Sauce: 2 big spoon
Mirin - 1 big spoon
Vineger - 1 big spoon
How to cook:
(1) Clean the Burdock Root (please refer to
(2) Stir fry the sesame (without adding in any oil) in the non-sticky fry pan for few min; remove it from fry pan and grinding it into powder with some grain texture.
(3) Boiled a pot of water, adding some vineger & salt. Adding in the Burdock Root, reboil the water. Once boiled, leave it continuously boil for another 1-2 min.
(4) Add the seasoning into the sesame powder, stir it well
(5) Remove the Burdock Root from the pot and put it into the sesame paste while it is still warm. Mix the Burdock Root with the paste well, leave it to cool down for 30min.
(6) ready to serve
Bon Appetite!