
第二道:筍與雞肉治部煮 2nd Dish: Bamboo Shoot & Chicken's Jibuni

16 Jan 2013
(English translation is right after Mandarin version)

挑戰的第二道料理, 是日本石川縣金澤市的代表鄉土料理:治部煮 (Jibuni)
這道料理的特色是使用上了蜀粉的鴨肉或是雞肉, 放入鍋裏烹煮以後, 最後再放入wasabi芥末食用。
歷史的由來衆説紛紜, 其中有一則甚至還牽扯上了丰臣秀吉呢。

1。水煮筍 - 1個
2。雞腿肉 - 250g
3。青蔥 - 2 條
4。Wasabi - 適量
5。蜀粉 - 適量
6。上湯 - 620ML
7。即時食用柴魚粉末 - 適量

調味 (A):
1。生抽 - 2 湯匙
2。味晽 - 2 湯匙

1。將水煮筍對半切開, 放入620ML的上湯和調味(A)裏慢火烹煮20分鐘。
2。雞腿肉切成一口大小。 整體鋪上薄薄一層的蜀粉。
4。烹煮20分鐘后的水煮筍撈起, 切成一口大小, 重新放入湯裏。
6。煮好后, 分乘入小碗, 加入適量的即時食用柴魚粉末和Wasabi芥末食用。

做這道菜真的只用了25分鐘,輕鬆簡單, 而且健康可口。最大的發現是Wasabi的新用途!
還沒有開始之前, 120%懷疑在湯裏放入Wasabi, 是不是一種“自殺”行爲。
噢喉, 絕對不是! 沒有放Wasabi的湯只算是“好喝的湯”。 放進Wasabi以後, 立刻散發出一陣清香, 讓湯展現出一種有層次的美味!但是, 請謹記切勿貪心, 放太多Wasabi, 辣味會嗆喉,反而弄巧成拙。


My second challenge is Japan Ishikawa Province's famous country food - Jibuni.
This signature dish's unique points are utilise the cornflour for the white meat and add in Wasabi as the main spice.

There are many tales about this dish, one of them even related with Japan most famous Shogun - Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

1. Boiled Bamboo Shoot - 1 pc
2. Chicken Thigh - 250g
3. Spring Onion - 2 pc
4. Wasabi
5. Cornflour
6. Stock - 620ML
7. Instant Katsuobushi Powder (Tuna flakes)

Seasoning (A):
1. Light soya sauce - 2 big spoon
2. Mirin - 2 big spoon

How to cook:
1.Slice the boiled bamboo shoot into half, and boil it together with the stock,seasoning (A) under gentle heat, 20 min.
2.Slice the chicken thigh into small cube, and mix it with thin layer of cornflour
3.Slice the Spring Onion into 3cm length
4.After slow cooking for 20min, remove the Bamboo Shoot out from the soup, slice into one bite size.
5. Put the bamboo shoot, chicken and spring onion back into pot, boil it with strong heat for 3 min. Please remember to stir the soup.
6. Add in appropriete amount of Wasabi and Instant Katsuobushi Powder before dine in.
(please avoid to add in too much of Wasabi as it may cause the soup too spicy and kill the flavor)

Bon Appetite!

